Existing initiatives, frameworks and tools

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Known as the "Four 'Rs", the Mitigation and Conservation Hierarchy Framework provides a coherent framework for designing Nature Positive approaches and tracking contributions to overarching targets, for all scales and sectors from global policy-makers to individuals.

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The Nature-Positive Universities Initiative, led by Oxford University in collaboration with UNEP, brings together people from over 500 universities worldwide, including 135 universities across 50 countries whose senior leadership have set Nature-Positive targets, take action and disclose progress, and over 200 student ambassadors from 44 countries, who are taking action for nature on their campuses. 

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HESTIA is a research data platform that provides data, data standards, and models to assess the environmental impacts of agriculture and food supply chains.

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Benchmark for Nature uses publicly available data to quantify relative biodiversity impacts, aimed at businesses and economic sectors.

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FoodMetric is a tool for setting targets, calculating baseline impacts and provide advice on how to shift food purchases to achieve those targets, aimed at caterers and individual food consumers.

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Green Status of Species and Glob2Loc provide a new and optimistic method of measuring the combined impact of the major anthropogenic drivers and conservation actions on species recovery, against appropriate counterfactuals, and plot a course to recovery.

Click here to read more on the Green Status of Species and Click here to read more on Glob2Loc


Photo copyright: Ricardo Rocha